
Mark Stephen Souder
1036 South Rose Street
Seattle, Washington 98108



Direct marketing

Business development

Design and implementation of on-line and print-based strategies

Website and blog design and maintenance

Image management

Vendor cost-control

Consulting Experience

2013 – on-going                                         Excition                                        Seattle, Washington

Business Development Consultant

Duties: Evaluate existing on-line specialized on-line printing business for efficiencies. Triage website for modernization.

2011 – on-going                                         Madrona Wine Merchants                  Seattle, Washington

Business Development Consultant

Duties: Co-authored business plan and performed detailed market analysis. Logo and website design, signage, and promotions. Stewarded store build out. Manage Facebook and other social media presence.

2009 – on-going                                         Think Act                                       Seattle, Washington

Business Development Consultant

Duties: Logo and branding for Microsoft/Google/Nokia consultant. Unified branding for business cards, leave-behinds, PowerPoint templates, letterhead.

2008 – 2010                                              Events & Adventures                        Bellevue, Washington

Business Development Consultant

Duties: Solidified their branding and marketing by instituting logo, typeface, and corporate color scheme while they expanded from clubs in four cities to clubs in eight cities. Standardized images used in publications and on-line. Monitored blogs and web to resolve trademark infringement issues. Managed Facebook and other social media presence.

2005 – 2008                                             Shirts of Bamboo                               St. Petersburg, Florida

Business Development Consultant

Duties: Worked with owners to expand on-line and retail clothing business into wholesale and implemented a plan to offer unique print-on-demand clothing products. Provided “sounding-board” services for expansion into specialty show markets. Handled ad design for both print and web, along with affiliate program materials. Coordinated insertion schedules for print ads.

2006 – 2007                                            Twango                                              Redmond, Washington

Marketing Plan Implementation

Duties: Worked with marketing team and owners of the small photo sharing startup to implement event presence and extend branding. Researched favorable events and negotiated with sponsors over fees and access. Worked on partnership agreements between promoters and Twango. Designed upload station from “off-the-shelf” hardware for instant uploading of event photos without Ethernet access at event site. Coordinated volunteers and staff to work events. Twango was bought by Nokia in July 2007 and is currently branded as Nokia Share.

2000 – 2004                                            Chicago Science Group                        Chicago/Monterey/Seattle

Publishing Consultant

Duties: Designed, sourced, and staffed short run print facility for all beta testing materials for the Science Companion materials for K-5 science curriculum. Managed a staff of eight floating employees to handle graphics, design, printing, and binding of student and teacher materials. Sourced science lab components and designed/maintained inventory system for science kit materials along with implementing quality control checklists for shipping department. Chicago Science Group entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Pearson Scott Foresman in 2004.

Microsoft Experience

1996 - 1999                                                 Microsoft Applications & Internet Client Group

Position: Direct Marketing Manager

Duties: Responsible for end-to-end direct marketing for Mastering Series and MSDN renewal efforts (80% renewal rate). Responsible for production all direct mail printed materials for the Applications & Internet Client Group. Cost savings generated by aggressive management of vendors accounted for $3.9 million in additional sales for first half of FY 1997 from the 4.3 million pieces mailed at an average in-the-mail cost of 51 cents each.

1995 - 1996                                                 Microsoft Developer Division                 Redmond, Washington

Position: Direct Mail Production Manager

Duties: Responsible for all direct mail printed materials for the Developer Division of the Microsoft Corporation. Budget approximately $4 million for FY 1996. Cost savings generated by aggressive management of vendors accounted for $18 million in additional sales for FY1996. Handled projects accounting for 3.3 million pieces of direct mail during the year (with an average in-the-mail cost of 57 cents each). Trained junior staff.

1993 - 1995                                                 Microsoft Developer Network               Redmond, Washington

Position: Print/CD/Packaging Production Director

Duties: Responsible for all print and packaging-based materials procurement with a budget in excess of $8.5 million. Responsible for package design, configuration, and sourcing for one monthly and two quarterly CD-ROM-based subscription products with a pressing of 7 million discs annually. Additional responsibilities include direct mail design, print buying and sourcing, layout; along with management of outside designers, printers, and direct mail houses. Saved $.5 million by moving production to Midwest printers, without a loss of quality and turn-around time.

1991 - 1993                                                 Microsoft Developer Network               Redmond, Washington

Position: Art Production Director

Duties: Responsible for layout and design of bi-monthly 425,000 circulation Microsoft Developer Network Newspaper. Was a main contact for outside designers and temporary staff working on newspaper and CD-ROM-based material. Maintained production schedules, conducted press checks, and did print buying for newspaper and CD-ROM-related materials. Responsible for evolutionary design changes to improve look, feel, and readability of newspaper.

1989 – 1991                                                 Microsoft Press                                    Redmond, Washington

Position: Traffic Coordinator

Duties: Internal liaison between art, type, and editorial systems. External liaison between Microsoft Press and vendors, all located east of the Mississippi. Coordinated internal flow for 52 new book projects and 105 reprints yearly. Handled reprint corrections through various departments to ensure timely delivery. Scheduled approximately $3.2 million worth of interior and cover printing. Conducted press checks on 4- to 6-color covers. Department technical person for hardware/software upgrades. Worked with Associate Publisher on historical analysis projects.

Publishing Background

2001 - 2004                                                 Pigletté & Bobo Children’s Book Series

Position: Publisher/Owner/Writer/Editor

Published a series of twenty five children’s books currently available on Amazon. Use internal print-on-demand technology to fulfill orders on an as-needed basis. Many titles available as eBooks on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

1981 - 1994                                                Sign of the Times -- A Chronicle of Decadence in the Atomic Age

Position: Publisher/Owner/Editor

Started and operated a twice-yearly literary magazine featuring fiction, photography, and graphics. Published an anthology edition featuring the best of twelve years of Sign of the Times. Many issues available as eBooks on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

1982 - 1986                                                Florist & Grower

Position: Publisher/Owner/Editor

Bought, managed, expanded, and sold an advertising-supported monthly trade magazine Oregon’s floral and nursery industry. Responsible for gathering and editing text, photos, and art,, mailing list research, composition, distribution, etc.

Public Service

1998-2000   Board of Governors, The Evergreen Foundation                           Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington                    

1999           Established endowed scholarship at Evergreen - the Mark Stephen Souder Scholarship for Information Dissemination.


1980           The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington                     Graphic Arts/Business Administration


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